

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

George Bernard Shaw

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About Hypnosis

My therapy room

A person in a state of hypnosis is simply in an altered state of awareness. It’s a state that you have probably experienced many times for yourself, and not even realised. have you ever driven from one place to another, but not remembered the drive? Have you ever been so engrossed in a good book, that you have not heard the conversations of those around you or been aware of the plot of a film that everyone else is watching? At those times, you knew you were awake and aware of your surroundings – yet your brain had achieved the same ‘alpha’ state that a person in a hypnotic trance achieves.

The theory of hypnosis is that when we are very young, our minds are open – the door between the conscious and the sub-conscious mind is open, allowing all the information in. This includes any negative comments, any criticisms and any hurtful comments about who you are. These comments are then stored inside and are written on the ‘hard-drive’ of your self-belief. When we get a bit older, the door between the conscious and the sub-conscious closes. It then doesn’t matter how much we later hear positive comments and praise about ourselves, the old ‘hard-drive’ kicks in and plays the negative belief track. Under hypnosis, the door opens again and the ‘hard drive’ can be re-written, putting in place the positive beliefs which might help you achieve your goals, such as weight-loss or stopping smoking.

What to expect from a hypnotherapy session

It is very important that you feel comfortable working with the therapist you have chosen, or you may not be able to relax fully in the session and hypnotherapy will not work – or not to its fullest extent.

For this reason, I ask that you come to an hour’s consultation, so we can meet face-to-face, you can gauge how you feel working with me and, through listening to what you need hypnotherapy for, I can get a much better idea of how to help you. At the end of this session, we will decide together what is the best way forward.

If you decide to proceed, I will write a script, using the information gathered in the consultation, absolutely tailored to your needs and including elements which will help you achieve your goal. In the meantime, you will have the chance to help yourself achieve a good depth of relaxation, by listening to my guided meditation.

On the day, you will be able to relax in my comfortable therapy room whilst I put you in a hypnotic trance and begin the work of re-writing your ‘hard-drive’. You will be relaxing with your eyes closed, listening to my voice, yet fully aware and in control at all times.

After the session, I will email you a link to the recording of your hypnotherapy session, so you can listen to it again and again, for re-enforcement of the positive and transforming script that is personalised for you.

Does hypnotherapy work for everyone?

There is a very small percentage of people who will not go into a hypnotic trance. It is also very difficult to put someone into a hypnotic trance who is consciously resistant to it. But susceptibility to hypnotic trance is only a part of it – the most important factor is your willingness and motivation to change. For instance, if someone wants to be lose weight, but doesn’t really want to stop eating chocolates and biscuits, then hypnotherapy will not be effective.

As hypnotherapy generally works on the way you think about something, it is not likely to be effective on the way you feel, i.e. if there is an underlying emotional issue which has not been dealt with at source. In this instance, counselling or regression therapy might be the way forward.

Why do people come for hypnotherapy?

  • Stopping Smoking
  • Losing Weight
  • Stress
  • Arachnophobia, Claustrophobia & other phobias
  • Breaking Habits like Nail-Biting
  • Anxiety
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Increasing Self-Worth
  • Increasing Self-Belief
  • Increasing Confidence
  • Insomnia
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Stammering or Stuttering
  • Panic Attacks
  • Relaxation
  • Public Speaking
  • Anything that is more ‘mind over matter’