Important information about a Regression Therapy session

If you are considering having regression therapy, there are a few things it might be important for you to take into account before booking a session:

1. The initial consultation

It is important that you feel relaxed working with me, so I strongly advise a consultation session (one hour) so you can get to know me a little and it give us a chance to talk about any concerns or questions you may have. It is important to address these or any fears beforehand or they may stop you from going into a past life.

We will also have a little practice at going into trance, so you will know what it is like. Even if you have been hypnotized in the past, you may never have worked with me before, so this session is important. It will also help you decide on whether you would like to proceed with a full session or not.

2. Booking a regression session

Please allow 5 hours for the session. This includes the interview, the regression and the de-brief afterwards. It is also important that you allow yourself the rest of that day to relax, as the session can be challenging, thought-provoking and you may feel drained. This feeling is normal and just requires that you rest afterwards.

3. Deposit

Based on previous experiences of taking bookings for clients who just don’t turn up for their session, I require a 50% deposit, in advance, which is non-refundable if you cancel your session within 1 week of the date of the session.

4. The interview

I will conduct an interview at the beginning of our regression session, which will take 1.5-2 hours, depending on what you have to tell me. This is part of the overall session and is very important as the discussion provides insights and helps you get in touch with the emotional content of your history, which helps engage the right hemisphere of the brain, which in turn helps you gain access to a past life.

I have been asked why I don’t send out a questionnaire, to save time (and, therefore, money). I used to do this, but I found that it saves very little time and we would still need to go over it in detail, because much comes out in the discussion that people don’t want to write about. Filling in a questionnaire also does not really engage the right hemisphere of your brain. This part of the session CANNOT be missed out or overlooked.

5. Other blocks to a past life experience

Current life situations. If you have situations in your present life that need to be addressed from a point in your present life, that is what you will experience, because a past life would not be available for you at that moment. However, we will address the current life problem instead.

‘In control’, analytical/left-brained people: If you are someone who likes to be in control or you are quite analytical/left-brained, you might find it difficult to ‘go with the flow’ and accept the first image or feeling you get, as you may question it or ignore it as ‘a figment of your imagination’ and not tell me about it and so might stop you from experiencing the session. I will do my best to help you get past this block, but you are ultimately in control – whether consciously or not – and I will not be able to over-ride it. In this eventuality, we will close the session early and I will charge you a reduced fee.

Not for you at this time: Another block is something neither of us can know beforehand and that is if a past life experience is not in your best interest at the time of your session. If this is the case, the Universe will not allow you to experience it. In this event, I will give you some healing and we will close the session early. In this eventuality, I will charge you a reduced fee.

Please note that I am not in charge of the session

I am only the facilitator and will do my utmost for you. However, I have no control over any blocks so, if you are not prepared for this, it can lead to a lot of disappointment if the outcome does not match your expectations of what you think you will experience.

6. Access to your Higher Consciousness

If all goes well, and you get into a past life, I will also try and gain access to your Higher Consciousness in the way taught by Dolores Cannon. This may or may not happen – we can only try. If it does not happen, I will give you healing to finish off the session.

7. Your expectations and responsibilities

Much of the success of a regression session depends upon your expectations and taking responsibility for your own healing. To help illustrate this more, please watch this You Tube clip of a regression therapist reading from Dolores Cannon’s ‘The Convoluted Universe, Book Four’, in which Dolores writes about the client’s role in his/her own therapy.

Although there is no guarantee of having a past life experience, you will ALWAYS get the session that you need, if not the one you want. If you would like to book a session, please call me on 07929 198968.